

JubiRev Business Profile





Products: Revenue Sharing Consumer Portal, Skin Care, Weight Loss, Energy, Vitality, Shopping Rewards, Travel Savings Portal



Compensation Plan

JubiRev and JubiMax claim that their compensation plan will include 10 ways to earn, with daily rewards paid daily in real-time. Commission incentives also include generational bonuses: 10% on the first generation, 5% on the second, 1% on the third plus .5% on generations 4 through 8.

Rewards are initially paid out as JubiBucks based on the total JubiPoints.

JubiRev stands for “Jubilan' and “Revolution'. JubiRev and JubiMax brand themselves as a “Movement', not just a company.


Web Address: www.jubirev.com


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JubiRev Business Popularity Trend


Trend Period   Public Interest Comparison Graph
FEB 2020
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DEC 2019
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OCT 2019
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JUN 2019
MAY 2019
APR 2019
MAR 2019

Data provided by MLMRankings.com. The first and most trusted home business ranking resource.


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